

Letter from Harry Granville Smith Fell to Martha Mildred Louie Ricketts (Fell)

91 Park End Road

November 2nd, 1910

Dear Louie

I enclose notes as desired - value £80 - in payment of the legacies. Please return the receipts, when signed and as Gladys and Donald are under age I want you to countersign their receipts where marked. I will send to Fritz on the 11th, so as to swell his birthday collection. I do hope he will come through the exam well.

Sorry to hear you have been unwell and hope the colder weather will (?) you up.

We have Norah in the 'sicker' now. She was unwell Saturday and on Sunday, had some white patches on her throat, so we had the Dr. monday, and yesterday he pronounced it a case of diphtheria. She improved rapidly however, and today the Dr. says her throat is quite clear so we hope she will go on in this way and soon be fit again. It has not pulled her down much and she seems quite bright and jolly now. I suppose it will mean a month at home for her and it keeps Dorothy from scholl also, so is a double nuisance. Still the illness is taking an extremely favourable turn which of course is the main thing. We cannot tell at all where the infection came from, but the Dr, says there area number of cases in Gloucester.

(Trust ?) your family are well as usual. Love to all



Harry Granville Smith Fell
Martha Mildred Louie Fell

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