

Letter from Martha Mildred Louie Ricketts to Elsie Lilian Burland

Nr. Stroud

June 11th, 1914

My Dear Billy

How very kind of you to give me such a delightful suprise this morning. Thank you so much. The strawberries travelled beautifully, and were just in time for breakfast. Gladys came up to me Tuesday morn. so she had part in the treat, the first we had seen. You would hardly know me for the same person of a fortnight ago. (????derley) air always acts like a tonic and the beauties around are beyond description. It has been cold enough for fires, and rather stormy, but on the hill it dries so quickly one need not be a prisoner. I am so grateful to know of this once restful place, of course this time I had to drive, but the railway fare home is only 1 1/2.

Gladys is going down to be ready for father this afternoon, but I shall stay until Saturday, then I must try and finish our belated spring cleaning.

I hope you are keeping well. How is Mrs Burland, I would like her to be here this glorious morning, how she would enjoy it, and the rest from domestic duties.

With much love in which Gladys joins
Lovingly yours

Mother II

Love to Fritz


Martha Mildred Louie Fell
Elsie Lilian Burland

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