

Letter from Martha Mildred Louie Ricketts to Gladys Ricketts


September 9th, 1914

My Dear Gladys

I was not suprised to read you letter, in fact I do not think anything will suprise me ever again. Many such experiences await you along the path you have chosen to tread, and having trampled beneath your feet the most sacred and precious things in life, you may expect, and brace yourself to drink many a bitter cup.

I cannot conceive how you can expect me to say I do not mind and face coming back here. I do mind very much indeed, and for your own sake I counsel you to do everything in your power to procure another post berfore leaving Shaldon. I am not saying that you have been fairly treated, but as you have deceived you must expect to be deceived.

Yours very sorrowful



Martha Mildred Louie Fell
Gladys Ricketts

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