

Letter from Gladys Ricketts to Elsie Lillian Burland

19 Meyrick St
Pembroke Dock
S. Wales

May 4th, 1915
My dear Billy

Thank you very much for your kind remembrance of me. I was in need of a tape measure, as the babe has ‘chewed’ my other almost to pulp. Hankies I am always glad to have, thank you muchly.

You ask me for a long letter dear, but there doesn’t seem to be any more news just now. I could talk ever so much better than I can write.

The home affairs seem to occupy all my spare thoughts. I’m busy all day long, and work just as hard on Sunday as any other day. I get heartily sick of the monotony at times: and the children play on my nerves. I had an offer to go out to Egypt for 3 years the other day. I’d love to go but didn’t feel competent, or well enough. I would have had £30 a year, and all travelling exps. paid, which is very good, and a decent crib for some girl.

At present we are full up with visitors. A very lively crew too. This means dressing every night for dinner, and tonight I have been singing downstairs. Sundays here sicken me absolutely, its nothing for them to have a Bridge Party Sunday night, and keep it up until ’the small hours’. The swank too is awful. Some of the folks are nice to me, while others just ignore me altogether.

The babe is sweet, she now calls me ‘mum, mum’, which is embarrassing at times. Merlin is a perfect demon, and my despair. But after all this, and in spite of it I’m still alive.

Hope you are all well – my love to all
Now must go to roost, its late

With much love



Gladys Ricketts
Elsie Lilian Burland

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