

Letter from T P Penny to Elsie Lillian Burland

Thos, P Penny
Tone Bridge Timber Yard
And Steam Saw Mills

Sept. 23rd 1916

Dear Mrs Ricketts

Herewith I enclose a/c and receipt for the £100 Exchequer Bond which I have purchased and hope to send you early next week. You will see by the account that it has cost you seven shillings less than if I had bought a newly issued bond from the Government direct. The reason it has cost £101.3.11 is that the interest will be payable to you from June 1st instead of from the day of purchase.

I have sent to Parr’s bank at Weston £18.0.1 which is the difference between what I received for the Alliance shares and what I paid for the Bond. The bank will pay you this amount or will give you War Savings Certificates just do as you wish or of course you could have part in money and part in certificates. If you do not require the money or any part of it I suggest your giving the bank a further 11/11 and they will then give you certificates for 24.15/6

There is no need for you to keep the enclosed papers after you receive the Bond. I send them for you to see that my figures are correct.

You can call at Parr’s Bank any day that is convenient to you and it may be well for you to take this letter with you.

With kindest regards

Yours sincerely

ThP. Penny


Elsie Lilian Burland

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