Letter from Albert Thomas Burland to Elsie Lillian Ricketts and Fritz Arthur Ricketts
Richmond Road
March 20th, 1935
My dear Lily and Fritz
It was a great pleasure to receive your letters yesterday and the same did cause great merriment and amusement and had the effect of making both Ma
and myself feel years younger. I am glad you prevailed upon that simple soul not to send more ‘(### ###)’ and I am quite sure that when the said
‘other sort’ arrives I shall find it very useful. So I thank you both very much for something not yet received but only promised, which promise I know will be duly fulfilled.
Joan came in yesterday before going to school and Gladys and the boy came before I started for the office. The boy looked very pleased and handed
over his present and wished me a happy birthday. All of them except Percy came to tea, so we were a happy family.
Today the weather has been beautifully bright and warm – just like summer – but I have had to keep my nose to the desk and enjoy the sunshine, which
has wonderfully warmed up my room. I should have preferred a drive on the hills but were duty calls, etc..
With fondest love to you both and again many thanks I say ‘farewell’ until you pay us that long weekend, which we both hope will be very soon,
Your ever loving Dad
Albert Thomas Burland
Elsie Lilian Burland
Fritz Arthur Ricketts