

Letter from Gladys Ricketts to William Henry Ricketts

Apt. 19 Coral Gardens
Wellesley Crescent

Dec 3 35

Dear Pa

Letters between members of my family and myself are few and far between – even fewer as the years roll by – so it would seem the old adage is correct ‘out of sight – out of mind’.

My good wishes are just as sincere and I hope wherever you may be you will have a happy Xmas.

You will note I have a new address – have been there since July.

I am sorry you passed on the letter I wrote strictly for you, to Fritz, for you succeeded in snapping the last of the threads which bound a brother and sister. That is probably the reason you have not heard from me – a broken confidence is hard to forget.

I live quite alone and work very hard to make ends meet – but so far have kept out of debt.

Please give my remembrances to Mrs. Niblett.

My loving greetings and best wishes
From Gladys


William Henry Ricketts
Elsie Lilian Burland

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