| sign[e] Johis [X]?Mosely sen[ior] [seal] |
Signed Sealed published & declared by the said John Mosely the eld[e]r as his last Will and Testam[en]t In the pr[e]sence of us
Will Alexander Edm: Pembrage Eliz sign[e] [X] Curtis |
25th Augt 1718
Jurat Jacobus Mosely … &c
Tho: Mansell.
Probatu[m] fuit h[uiusm]o[d]i Test[amentum] vicesimo quinto die mensis Augusti Anno Dom[in]i 1718:: C[o]ram ven[erabi]li viro
Henrico Penrice …………………………per Jacob[u]m Mosely … fil[ium[ n[atu]ral[em] …………………
etc, etc.