As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
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In the name of God Amen. In the yeare of our Lord God 1576. the first day of January. I Thomas Kyte of Bradwell in the County of Glocest[e]r yeoman sick of bodie but of p[er]fect mynde and memory thanks be to God therfore do make this my last will & Testament in mann[er] & forme as foloweth First I bequeth my Sowle into the hands of almightie God my creator & redeem[er] and my body to the Earth when it shall seeme convenient in xr[ist]en buryall and my goods to the World as foloweth. It[e]m I geve and bequeath to the Church in Bradwell xijd. It[e]m to John Barker son[ne] to Rog[e]r Ireland to Agnes Paddleford and to ev[er]y of them xijd. It[e]m to six of the poorest howsholds in Stow amongst them ijs. It[e]m to ev[er]y one of my Godchildren iiijd a peece all w[i]th my said bequests to be paid & delyv[e]red w[i]thin iij moneths next after my dec[ease]. It[e]m I geve & bequeath to Thomas Kyte my sonn viijli of good & lawfull English money & one table bord to be p[ai]d & d[elyvere]d unto him at thage of xxvj yeares. It[e]m to Rob[er]t Kyte & Humfry Kyte my sonns vjli apeece of like lawfull English money & one table bord a peece to be p[ai]d & d[elivere]d unto them at thage of xxvj yeares all w[hi]ch legacies shalbe p[ai]d soon[er] if my Ov[e]rseers think well of it. It[e]m I geve & bequeath to Jone Kyte my daught[e]r vjli xiijs iiijd of like lawfull English money to be p[ai]d unto her at thage of xxj yeares or on the day of her maryadg It[e]m I geve to my daught[e]r Jone Kyte i heifer that is in calfe to be d[elivere]d at alholow[s]tyde next ensuing the date hereof And if it happen any one or mo of these my children to dep[ar]t out of this naturall life w[i]thin thage aforesaid then their p[ar]ts so dep[ar]ted to be equallie devided amongst thothers being alyve It[e]m I geve and bequeathe to An Kyte my wife fow[e]rtie shillings of lawfull money of England ev[er]y yeare yearlie during her widdows estate to be p[ai]d out of my farme in Bradwell to the said An in the spence chamb[er] in the name of amytie by myne Assignes at fow[e]r feasts most usuall that is to saie at the feast of St Michaell the Archangell, the feast of Christmas the feast of the Ann[un]tiac[i]on of blessed Mary the virgin & St John the Baptist by even portions the first payment of the said amytie to begin the next quarter day aft[e]r my dec[ease] whensoev[er] it shall happen w[i]thout fraud or guyle Also I geve to the same Ann my wife the Chamb[er] called the spence Chamber next the woodyard w[i]th free Ingres egress & regress as oft as need shall require w[i]thout thint[e]rruption of any of my Assignes & w[i]thout paying anie Rent or keeping any repa[ra]c[i]ons but myne Assignes to repayre the said spence chamber and to build[?] a convenient Chimney in the helwaule of the said Chamber to her use w[i]thin two yeares next aft[e]r my dec[ease] And also to repaire all other howsings and buildings hedgs and mounds belonging to the said farme from tyme to tyme during the said Lease as oft as need shall require It[e]m my will is that myne Assignes shall fynd and p[ro]vide to the said An my wife sufficient meat & drink fyre and Candle washing and wrynging for her selfe & her frends coming as strangers as oft as need shall require during her widdow head w[i]thin her said Chamb[er] or in the hawle as shee will also that myne Assignes being possessed of my farme called the nether Court shall keepe or cause to be kept any one or mo of my children being not maryed if by Gods p[er]missyon they shalbe lame sick or diseased during the tyme of his her or their sickness without any payment conc[er]ning his her or their victuall fyre & candle washing & wringing. Also wi[t]h these condic[i]ons before mentioned and hereafter in this p[re]sent Testament specified and expressed I do assigne my Lease of the said Farme in Bradwell
called the nether Court w[hi]ch I now dwell in w[i]th all the yeares yett to com to Wil[lia]m Kyte my Sonn if the said Wil[lia]m so long do lyve & for lack of the said Wil[lia]m my Sonn the Remaynd[e]r of the said Lease with like condic[i]ons to Thomas Kyte my Sonn if the said Thomas so long do lyve and for lack of the said Thom[a]s Kyte the Remaynd[e]r of the said Lease w[i]th all the yeares to com & with like condic[i]ons to Robert Kyte my sonn if the said Rob[er]t so long lyve & for lack of the said Rob[er]t w[i]th like condic[i]ons to John Kyte my sonn and for lack of the said John the Remaynd[e]r therof to Ric[hard] Kyte my sonn and for lack of the said Ric[hard] w[i]th like condic[i]ons to Humfry Kyte my sonn and for lack of the said Humfry the Remaynd[e]r therof w[i]th like condic[i]ons to Jone Kyte my daught[e]r if the said Jone so long lyve & for lack of the said Jone w[i]th like condic[i]ons to the next of my Kinne as I have assigned my Lease before & ev[er]y of them being Tenent of the p[re]misses aforesaid to see Ann my Wife truly paid at her dayes appointed w[i]th her chamb[er] meat & Drink fire & candle washing and wringing sufficient and meete for her as aforesaid During her Widdows estate Also I will & w[i]th like condic[i]ons before expressed I geve and bequeath my coffer that my Lease lyeth in the best Table bords in the hawle & p[ar]ler the best shayde deyse boords & foormes benches the malt myll lead Cesternes w[i]th all mann[er] of howsings stalls or Racks for beasts horses & sheep w[i]th all standers manngers Tablets scaffolds with all wo[o]d & tymber that shalbe upon the same ground all gates dores & glasses lettesses & Leads for windows (Except one bedstead for Ann my wife) to Wil[lia]m Kyte Thomas Kyte Rob[er]t Kyte John Kyte Ric[hard] Kyte Humfry Kyte Jone Kyte & for lack of them to the next of my kyn as I have assigned my Lease before and ev[er]y of them being Tenant to occupie all thaforesaid things & to maynteine the same from tyme to tyme as often as need shall require and not to be taken away before thend of the said Lease It[e]m I geve & bequeath to the said Ann Kyte my wife the third bushell of all corne and grayne of one whole crop of my farme next after my Dep[ar]ture except I shall chance to sell or geve anie of the same in the field by my life It[e]m I geve to the same Ann my wife my second best horse or gelding Two kyne being Indifferentlie taken by my Ov[er]seers & further I will that myne Assignes shal keep at their prop[er?] coste and chardges all her catell aforesaid one whole yeare next af[e]r holyroode day in may next after my Dec[ease] to those of the said An my wife It[e]m I geve to the said Ann my wife the second best fetherbed furnished & the bedsted press and hanging sheelfe in the spence and halfe of my howshold stuffe throughlie except the best fetherbed furnished to Wil[lia]m Kytee my Sonn and all other things before excepted & bequested It[e]m I geve and bequeath to the said Ann my wife xxti Ewes & fow[e]r kyne the Ewes & their Lambes to be kept orderly somm[er] and wynter on the Commons as thother sheep of myne Assignes are and the fow[e]r kyne to be kept in the close somm[er] and wint[e]r at the chardge of myne Assignes and this gift to be free more then is abovesaid in the will but to contynew during her widdows estate It[e]m I geve & bequeathe to Wil[lia]m Kyte my sonn abovesaid all the resydue of my goods & cattles moveable and unmoveable not bequethed nor assigned It[e]m I will that Wil[lia]m Freman of Adlestrop have the keeping of my Lease & also a count[e]rpane of my will in good hope that he wilbe a trustie frind from tyme to tyme to myne Assignes It[e]m that Wil[lia]m Kyte myne Assigne shall have the count[e]rpane of my Lease w[i]th all other scripts & scrawles whatsoev[er] they be during his life and after his life to delyv[e]r the same to the next Assigne and so from Assigne to Assigne as long as the Lease endureth furthermore & finallie I ordeyne constitute & make Wil[lia]m Kyte my sonn afores[ai]d my trustie Executor to see my debts legacies & bequests & myne Haryott being the best beast trulie p[er]formed and paid my bodie honestlie brought unto the Earth & my children brought up in the feare of God Also I desyre and pray Wil[lia]m Freman thelder Henry Barker Wil[lia]m Freman Jun[ior] Thomas Shellard thelder and Henry Humphryes to be ov[er]seers of this my last will & Testament and I geve to ev[er]y of them vjd a peece Also if anie one or mo of these my Ov[er]seers be troubled or molested conc[er]ning this my will that my Assigne then being shall beare his or their Expences c[…]ts and chardgs Wytnesses to the same Wyl[lia]m Frema[n] theld[e]r John Tydm[ar]sh Curat Thomas Martyn Henry Barker Robert Martyn Wil[lia]m Freman the younger Thomas Shellard thelder Henry Humphry
Thome Kyte
de Bradwell p[ro]bat[um]
apud stowe cora[m]
will[iam]o Blackleech
in legib[u]s bacca[…] &caus[…] xxio Junij
et com[m]issa est ad[mistrati]o
execut[…]in eode[m]
iurat[…] debite prius