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Will of John KEYTE 1557

Dated 1557
Summary Will of John KEYTE 1557
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god Amen the xxxti daye of februarye In the thyrde and fourthe yeres of the Reinge of kynge phillipe and quene marye & … I John kyght of brodwell in the co[u]ntye of glo[u]ce[s]t[e]r husbandman beynge syck in bodye hole in mynd wherof I thanke god do ordayne and make thys my present testament and last Wyll In forme and maner foloynge Fyrst and pryncypallye I bequeth my soule unto all myghtye god to our blessyd ladye seynt marye and to all the holye compenye in heaven and my bodye to be buryed in the p[ar]isshe churche of seynt paule In brodwell It[e]m I geve and bequeth to the p[ar]isshe church of brodwell vjs viiijd desyrynge to be buryed in the seyd churche It[e]m I geve and bequeth to the pore menes boxe in the same churche xxd It[e]m to ye pon[…]te in stowe vjs viiijd It[e]m I geve and bequeth to Robarte kyght my son[n]e vjli xiijs viiijd It[e]m I geve and bequethe to Rycharde kyght my son[n]e vjli xiijs viiijd and yf any on of these my too son[n]es dep[ar]te on maryed his p[ar]te to Remayne to the other of them too and yf bothe dep[ar]te on maryed theyr parts to Remayne to the other beyng alyve It[e]m I geve and bequeth to George kyght my son[n]e vjli xiijs viiijd and won cowe, the seyd goods to Remayne w[i]t[h] my exsecutours to the use of ye seyd george, and yf the seyd George dep[ar]te on maryed hys p[ar]te to Remayne all weyse to my exsecutours It[e]m I wyll that all such goods as I dyd promes to Th[o]m[a]s kyght my son[ne] to hys maryadge as more playnly doth apeare by byllse Indentyd be performyd It[e]m I geve and bequeth to Th[o]m[a]s kyght my son[ne] more won quart[e]r of barley & foure strykes of whet It[e]m to wyll[ia]m kyght ye son[ne] of Th[o]m[a]s kyght aforeseyd four stryks of whet all thys corne to be delyveryd at ye dep[ar]tinge of Jhone my Wyff It[e]m I geve elsebeth Wattgrowe my daught[e]r too strykes of barley to be delyveryd at seynt mathyus day next It[e]m I geve and bequeth to elin my daught[e]r xiijs iiijd It[e]m to ev[er]y on of my god chyldren iiijd It[em] I geve and bequeth to ye pon[…]te in brodwell foure stryks of corne to be devyded at the dyscrecion of my exsecutours and ov[er]sears It[e]m I geve to John kyght of laburto[n] won stryke of barley It[e]m I ordayne and make Jhone kyght my welbelovyd wyff my hole exsecutour & geve her all my other goods not bequevyd and she to have half the farme and half yt longeth to ye seyd farme, dewrynge her naturall lyfe accordynge to ye tenoure of my [deleted word] lease and she to se yt I be honestlye brought on earth and my detts legacies and bequests trulye p[er]formyd and payed these beynge wytnes p[resen]t Th[o]m[a]s bate my curate Th[o]m[a]s Left wyll[ia]m Rede Rychard castell wyll[ia]m freman w[i]th other also I wyll and desyre henry lane Robart hathwey Rychard castell wyll[ia]m freman to be my ov[er]sears of thys my Wyll ^to be fullfylled and to have for theyr peyns xld a peice