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Will of John KEYTE 1563

Dated 21/10/1563
Summary Will of John KEYTE 1563
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god Amen the xxj day of october in the yere of our lord god 1563. I John kyette of eberton w[i]t[h]in the Countie of Glouc[ester] gent[le]man syke in bodye & in p[er]fyte mynd do make my last will & testament in maner & forme followyng furst I bequeathe my soule unto god and my bodye to be berryede in the churche yerde of eberton at the northe dore unto to the w[hich] churche I gyve vjs viijd also I gyve will & bequeath unto Ric[hard] my second son threscore pounds in full payment for his legasye Also I gyve & bequeathe unto John my yongest sone threscore pounds in full payment of hys legasye the w[hich] vj score pounds I will that my execut[o]rs pay unto my said sons when they come to thayge of xx yers And if hitt happyn oon of my sons dye before he come to thaige of xx yers : Then I will that thother brother shall have the hole vj score pounds All the Residew of my goods leasss & takyngs unbequethyde I will & gyve unto elysebeth my wiffe & will[ia]m my eldest son whome I make my exe[cu]tors And when the said will[ia]m shall com to thayge of xx yers Then I will that he occupye the oon halfe w[i]t[h] his mother of all my goods fermes leasss & takyngs to his owne use & behove Also if will[ia]m dye before he come to thayge of xx yers Then I will that Richard my second son shall have & enjoy in the same forme & at the same ayge thexecut[o]rshype w[i]t[h all leasss takyngs & goods as was before bequethyd to my eldest son will[ia]m And if Ric[hard] happyn to dye then I will that John my yongeste son shall have & enjoy thexecutorshype w[i]t[h all leasss goods takyngs in the same forme & ^at the same ayge as Ric[hard] hertofore shold have hade Also if any of my said sons that is to say will[ia]m Ric[hard] or John beyinge so unthryfftye ^to goo abouete to sell alyen or putt away any Right clame titell or Int[er]est that he may have by this my will co[n]cernyng my leasss & executorshype I will that he shall take no be^nyfytte of this my will nor a p[ar]te An d if hit sholdbe my eldest son that falle into anie suche unthryffnenes Then I will that he shall have the legasye before bequethyd to Rich[hard] and so to be putt frome & excludyde of all the ryght that he haith to my leasss & executorshype and all the p[ro]ffyts therunto belongyng and then Ric[hard] to have & Inioy the leasss & executorshyp & so frome oon to another And if hytt happyn the sayd will[ia]m to dye havyng no son of his body lawffullye begotten Then I will that Ric[hard] shall enjoy & have all my ferme leasss takyngs & terme of yers And if hytt happyn Ric[hard] ^to dye havyng no son of hys bodye lawfully begotten then I will that John my yongest son shall have my ferme lease takyngs & t[e]rme of yeres Also I will that elysebethe my wiff have the gov[er]n[a]nce of my chylderne howse goods leasss takyngs & terme of yers Kepyng hir selffe sole & unmarryed untyll suche tyme my said chylderne come to thayge of xx yers and then they …e ^have the benyfyte of this my will accordyng as hertofore is wryttyn And if elysebeth my ^said wyffe do marry then I will that my executors pay unto hir oon hundryth pounds & she to be excludyd and dyschargede of my goods leasss takyngs & t[e]rme of yers and I bynd her by this my will to redelyv[e]r unto my chyldern all my leasss & takyngs and the said elysebeth my wiff lyve & kype hirsselffe unmarryed then I will she shall have occupye & enjoy the oon halff of my goods fermes leasss & takyngs w[i]t[h]my son duryng her naturall lyff Also if my said wiffe happyn to dye or marry at any tyme my chyldern beyng wi[th]in the age of xx yers the I will that John Freman my soninlawe have the gov[er]n[a]nce of my said chyldern w[i]t[h] all the goods ferme leasss takyngs w[i]t[h] all the p[ro]ffytts com[m]oditeis therunto belongyng or app[er]tey[n]ing to thonlye youse of my sayd chyldern and accordyng to this my last will & testament alsoo I gyve & bequeyth unto barthellmewe my brother a cowe or xxs Also I gyve & bequeath unto my Dafter Elysebeth a cowe or xxs Also I gyve & bequeythe unto my ^Daft[er] ales a cowe or xxs Also I gyve & bequeyth unto kateren my syst[e]r a cowe or xxs (this I doe acknowleg by this my will that I have fully fa…sted & paid unto my brother Thom[a]s all suche goods & somes of money as is or ^have byn dewe unto the seyd Thom[a]s frome ^… … of Ales Worall unto this day savyng & exceptyng vs iiijd the w[hic]h I do ow unto hym for the ^wech xvj grottes the said Thom[a]s haeth deteynede and doth deteyne a byll of xli agaynst all ryght Ec[…]osyons also I doe acknowlege that my brother will[ia]m is fullye paid of all such somes of money detts & demanneds that is or haeth byn betwyxte the said will[ia]m & me frome the begyn[n]yng of this woroll unto this day and yett he kypyng a byll in lyke case) And to this my last will & testement I do make wyll[ia]m brenet gentellman John harrys Ric[hard] cannyng of foxcote & John Freman of eberton my ov[e]rseers to whom I gyve vjs iiijd a pece. Also if hytt happyn that said will[ia]m Ric[hard] and John Kyett my sons dye w[i]t[h]out any essew of theyr bodyes lawfully begotten then I will gyve and bequeyth unto elysebeth my wyff she beyng sole & unmarryed all my goods leasss and takyngs duryng hyr naturall lyff and affter the dessease of my wiff & chylldern and theyr chyldern accordynge as is wryttyn in this my last will heretofore then I will & gyve unto will[ia]m kyett my brother & to hys chylldern my lease and yeres that shall then be to come of & in the ferme of ebarton In wittnesse herof I the said John kyett have putte my seall and hand In the p[re]sens of Rychard Freman bacheler of devinete John goodlyllston John holtam John Jaratt John Freman wyll[ia]m kyett John grey and dyv[e]rse other [Below and written at right angles to the preceding text:] Johannis kyet nup[er?] de Eburton probat[um] fuit ixo die septembris Ano d[om]in[i]1564