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Will of Richard KEYTE 1557

Dated 06/06/1557
Summary Will of Richard KEYTE 1557
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god amen and in the yere of our lord god on m[ille?] lvij the Sexte day of June and in the thirde and Forte yeres of the Reingnes of kynge phillip and quene mary I Rychard kyete of the thone of Eberton ousbant man in the Conte of gloc[es]ter being Sycke in bode but of good and perffet Remembrans laude and prase be to almyghty god Do make my last Wyll and testament in maner and Forme Folowing that ys to Saye First I gyve and bequeth my Sole to allmyghty god my maker and to Jesu Christ hys only Son our Redemer and Savyour and my bode to the Erthe to be Buryed in Eberto[n] church yarde also I wyll that alsuch debtes and duetyes as of Ryght I owe to any p[er]son or p[er]sones be truly Contentyd and payde by my Wyffe an wom I make my Full Excecutrex of thys my last wyll and testament also I geve & bequeth to the belles of Eberton iiijd also I geffe and bequeth to my iij cheldren ^iij kyene a wayeneng Calfe vj Shepe vj lambes and my greye geldeng and all the Recedou of my gods movabel and onmovabell I geffe and bequeath to my wyffe an and I make my cusean[?] John weg…t wetnes to the Same … Randell Smytht we… of champden wyllya[m] Freman and wyllya[m] hares w[i]t[h] oder mo detts hoynge me Inp[r]im[i]s John wakeley viijd It[e]m margere warde vijd detts that I do how It[e]m tho thomas Semons xd