As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god Amen t[he] 1st[?] daye of June in the yeare of the Reigne of o[u]r moste generous Soveraigne lord James of England Fraunce & Ireland the fi[r]ste & of Scotland the forteth kinge defender of the faith 1607 I Richard Kyte of Hitcott Boyse in the Countie of Glouster husbandman being of good & p[er]fecte memorie thankes be given to allmyghtie god do make this my laste will and testam[en]te in maner and forme following Impr[i]mis I give my soule to the allmyghtie god and my bodie to bee buried at the north doore of the p[ar]ish Church of Ebertonne & for my worldie goods in maner & forme as followeth It[em] I give to unto ev[e]rie Cotage howse w[i]thin Ebertonne and hite of iiijd It[em] I do give unto sixe of my Children xxs apeece by even p[or]cions namelie Thomas william Richard Robarte John & margrete To be paid after the exsperac[i]one of the naturall life of Cissolie my wyfe It[em] I do give unto my two godsonns firste unto Richard holtam vs & to Robarte Bolter sonne of Roger bolter xijd all the Reste of my goods not bequyethed my debtes being paid & Funerall expences discharged I do make Cissolie my wyfe my whole executer of all my goods moveable & movable Pervided all wayse that yf it shall happine Cissolie my wyfe do marie Then my will is that my sixe Children afforesaid shall have xli apeece to bee paied unto them at hir daie of maridges It[em] I do constetute and Apoynte my trustie and wellbeloved in Christe George holtame and William Freeman ^to be my overseers both of hitcote Afforesaid to see the same truelie executed p[er]formed & paied for the health of my soule givinge them for there paines takinge xijd apeece In witnes whereof I have put to my marke the daie and yeare firste above wighten In the pr[e]sents of
Nicholas Sowtharne
& Richard Gibes his [X] marke
Richard his
Keyte N marke
Probatu[m] fuit hui[u]sm[odi] Testamentu[m] Apud Glouc[…] vicesimo quarto die Julij
Anno d[om]ini 1612 coram Jo[hann]e Seman legu[m]doctore … … … …
etc, etc