The data displayed below relates to the family of Peter Ricketts born c1802 in Horsley, Gloucestershire, England.
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Abbott Elizabeth Birth: 1686 in Leicester, Leicestershire, , England;
Acklam Clarence E
Acklam Ivy C
Acklam Minnie J
Acklam William
Acklam William Noel Birth: 26 Dec 1930 in ;
Acklam William Robert Birth: 19 Apr 1899 in Whitedale, Yorkshire, England;
Alder Annie M
Alder Charles
Alder Eliza
Alder Ellen Eliza Birth: 10 May 1874 in Thrupp, Gloucestershire, England;
Alder George Thomas
Alder Harry A
Alexander Agnes Maud Birth: July 1882 in St Olave Southwark, London;
Alexander Arthur
Alexander Charles
Alexander Eliza
Alexander Eliza
Alexander George
Alexander Grace
Alexander Jennifer
Alexander Sarah
Allee Mary
Anderson Sara Anne
Andrews Liam David
Andrews Shane Victor
Anthony Edmund George
Anthony Sarah Ann
Antony Elizabeth
Antony John
Appleton Eileen M Birth: 20 Oct 1921 in Christchurch, Hampshire;
Appleton Frank A
Apps Harriet
Apps James
Apps John
Apps Sarah Birth: c1800 in Rye, Sussex, England; Baptism: 8 Aug 1800 in Rye, Sussex, England;
Apps William Birth: about 1768 in Rye, Sussex, England; Baptism: 12 Apr 1768 in Rye, Sussex, England;
Armstrong Mary
Arnold Betty
Arnold John
Ashby Ellen Stace Birth: 1880 in London, England;
Ashby John William
Askin Hannah
Asser Alice Elizabeth
Asser Ann Hannah
Asser David G
Asser David William Birth: abt 1846 in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England; Baptism: 03 Oct 1847 in Saint Matthew,Bethnal Green,London,England; Birth: abt 1848 in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England;
Asser Eliza Birth: October 1839 in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England;
Asser Emily Sarah Birth: April 1845 in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England;
Asser George Birth: Oct 1849 in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England;
Asser John R
Asser Mary A.
Asser William Bridge Birth: 26 Dec 1815 in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England;
Asser William S
Asser William Thomas Birth: Dec 1851 in Bethnal Green, City of London, England;
Atherely Eliza Birth: 28/10/1842 in Chelsea, London, England; Baptism: 16 Jul 1843 in Chelsea, Middlesex, England;
Atherely George Birth: abt 1816 in Maidenhead, Berkshire, England;
Atherely George
Atherley Charles
Atherley Elizabeth
Atherley Henry
Audridge Ann
Audridge Bridget
Audridge Joan Birth: 1722 in St Tudy, Cornwall, England;
Audridge Phillip
Autridge Elizabeth
Autridge John
Autridge John
Autridge Philip Birth: 19 Apr 1730 (check 11 Feb 1727) in StTudy Cornwall England;
Avent Mary Ann Birth: 1796 in Plymouth, Devon, England;
Avent Robert French
Avent Samuel
Avent William Davis
Avery Frederick
Avery George
Avery Henry
Aylward Abraham Birth: abt 1840 in Clapham, Surrey, England;
Aylward Abraham George Birth: Sep 1864 in Bickley, Kent, England;
Aylward Arthur James
Aylward Charlotte Marid Birth: June 1879 in Edmonton, Middlesex, England;
Aylward David
Aylward George Herbert
Aylward Henry Albert Birth: Jun 1881 in Edmonton, Middlesex, England;
Aylward Joseph William Birth: Apr 1863 in Bickley, Kent, England;
Aylward Laurie Hannah Birth: 15 Dec 1876 in Faversham, Kent, England;
Aylward William

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