The data displayed below relates to the family of Peter Ricketts born c1802 in Horsley, Gloucestershire, England.
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Jackson James William
Jay James
Jefferiss Florence Helen
Jeffries Florence Helen Birth: 1866 in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England;
Jenkins Margaret Birth: 24 Oct 1915 in Barry, Glamorgan, Wales;
Jenkins Sally Ann Birth: 14 Jun 1880 in Chesaning, Saginaw, Michigan, USA;
Jewell Ellen A
Johnson Alice M.
Johnson Elaine
Johnson Ethel H.
Johnson Henry M.
Johnson Laurie
Johnson Linda
Johnson Mark
Johnson Mary A.
Johnson Maud M.
Johnson Norman
Johnson Thomas
Johnson Thomas C.
Johnston Ann Jane
Johnston Ella May
Johnston Henry
Johnston Janet
Johnston John H
Johnston Richard A
Johnston Richison
Johnston Robert
Johnston Samuel W
Johnston William S
Johnstone Desmond Birth: 1 Nov 1922 in Saskatchewan, Canada;
Johnstone Elizabeth
Johnstone Gordon Birth: 15 Nov 1888 in Neepawa, Manitoba, Canada;
Johnstone Gordon
Johnstone Jean
Johnstone Patricia
Johnstone Ruth
Johnstone Verna
Jones Ada Blanche Birth: abt 1874 in London, England; Baptism: 29 Dec 1878 in Ealing St Mary, England;
Jones Aden
Jones Albert Owen
Jones Alfred Birth: 2 Dec 1837 in Marylebone, London, England; Baptism: 25 Dec 1837 in England; Birth: abt 1838 in St Marylebone, London, England;
Jones Alfred Walton Hayter Birth: April 1909 in BROCKENHURST Hampshire England;
Jones Alfred William Henry Birth: abt 1862 in Paddington, Middlesex, England;
Jones Alfred William Hutchinson Birth: 16 Sep 1922 in Eastbourne, Hampshire;
Jones Alice Ann
Jones Alice Edith Birth: abt 1881 in London, England;
Jones Ann Susanna Birth: 1856 in London, Middlesex, England;
Jones Anna S
Jones Archibald George Harris Birth: abt 1906 in Commercial Rd, Parkstone;
Jones Blake Edward
Jones Blanche Emilie Hayter Birth: 6 JUL 1902 in BROCKENHURST Hampshire England;
Jones Blodwen Florence
Jones Brian Mansel
Jones Caroline Margaret
Jones Ceri Elisabeth
Jones Charles
Jones Charles Edgar Birth: abt 1848 in Marylebone, Middlesex, England;
Jones Charles F
Jones Claude Kingsley Rudkin Birth: 25 Apr 1920 in Bournemouth , Hampshire, England;
Jones Claude Victor Birth: abt 1884 in Christchurch, Hampshire;
Jones David Newcombe
Jones Dorothy Blanche Birth: 28 NOV 1916 in BOURNEMOUTH Dorset England;
Jones Edgar Birth: abt 1871 in Paddington, London, England; Baptism: 14 Jul 1872 in Holy Trinity,Paddington,London,England;
Jones Edith Kathleen Birth: 21 May 1909 in Christchurch, Hampshire, England;
Jones Edith Maud
Jones Edward Baptism: 14 Jul 1872 in Holy Trinity,Paddington,London,England; Birth: 9 May 1872 in Paddington, London, England;
Jones Edward Hugh Birth: 23 Mar 1907 in Lymington, Hampshire, England;
Jones Edward Ogden Baptism: 14 Apr 1844 in England; Birth: April 1844 in Marylebone London, Middlesex, England;
Jones Edwin Allen Birth: 03 FEB 1877 in Neyland, Pembrokeshire;
Jones Edwin Lloyd
Jones Elizabeth Anne
Jones Ellen Louisa
Jones Elsie Jane
Jones Elsie May
Jones Emma Florence Birth: 1875 in Paddington, London, England; Baptism: 28 Mar 1875 in Paddington Holy Trinity, England;
Jones Ernest Birth: abt 1864 in Paddington, Middlesex, England;
Jones Ernest P
Jones Florence Lucy Birth: 1856 in Marylebone, London, Middlesex, England; Baptism: 27 Apr 1856 in England;
Jones Florence P
Jones Florence V. Birth: abt 1875 in Paddington, Middlesex, England;
Jones Frank Baptism: 24 Nov 1867 in Paddington St Stephen, England; Birth: abt 1868 in Paddington, Middlesex, England;
Jones Frank Albert Baptism: 27 Apr 1856 in England; Birth: April 1853 in Marylebone London, Middlesex, England;
Jones Frederick
Jones Frederick Archibald Birth: July 1839 in Marylebone, London; Baptism: 4 Aug 1839 in England;
Jones Frederick Charles Birth: October 1883 in London, England;
Jones George Archibald Birth: abt 1877 in Paddington, London, England;
Jones Gladys May
Jones Gordon William Harris Birth: abt 1908 in Commercial Rd, Parkstone;
Jones Harold Hutchison Birth: 13 July 1916 in BOURNEMOUTH Dorset England;
Jones Herbert Rudkin
Jones Horace Birth: abt 1867 in Paddington, Middlesex, England;
Jones Huw Rhys
Jones Ines Hayter Birth: July 1903 in BROCKENHURST Hampshire England;
Jones Jacob
Jones James Mansell Birth: 15 OCT 1912 in Cardiff, Wales;
Jones John Newcombe
Jones Keith
Jones Lance A
Jones Leslie Alfred Edgar Birth: 14 June 1903 in Bournemouth, Hampshire, England;
Jones Margaret A
Jones Mary Gwendoline
Jones Mary Melissa Birth: 4 September 1923 in Canada;
Jones Miriam Ruth Birth: 10 Nov 1903 in Christchurch, Hampshire, England;
Jones Nellie R
Jones Nora Evelyn Birth: 23 Aug 1905 in Christchurch, Hampshire, England;
Jones Olive Edith Rudkin Birth: 13 July 1916 in BOURNEMOUTH Dorset England;
Jones Richard Edward David
Jones Roland Clare Birth: 19 April 1911 in Christchurch, Hampshire;
Jones Rosena P
Jones Sarah Hannah Matilda Baptism: 7 Jan 1849 in England; Birth: January 1849 in Marylebone, London, United Kingdom;
Jones Stanley Gordan
Jones Sydney
Jones Tesni Fflur
Jones Thomas J
Jones Vera Mary Birth: 20 APR 1915 in BOURNEMOUTH Dorset England;
Jones Victoria E
Jones Walton Birth: abt 1873 in Paddington, London, England; Baptism: 16 Nov 1873 in Paddington Holy Trinity, England;
Jones Wayne
Jones Wendy Anne Newcombe Birth: 20 Apr 1939 in Bournemouth, Hampshire, England;
Jones William
Jones William
Jones William Henry Birth: abt 1807 in Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England;
Jorgenson Jorgen
Jurd George
Jurd Harry
Jurd John
Jurd Mary Ann Birth: April 1859 in South Stoneham, Hampshire;
Jurd Samuel
Jurd Sarah
Jurd Thomas Birth: abt 1806 in South Stoneham, Hampshire, England;
Jurd Thomas

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