

Letter from Gladys Ricketts to Elsie Lilian Burland

Ayr Villa

March 27th, 1914

Dear Billy

Thankyou many times. Did Fritz tell you what I said in my letter? 'Cos he ought not to have done so.

I was quite suprised by Mr. Burlands visit, but agreeably so. When the maid came to tell me there was a gentlemen to see me, I simply couldn't think who - was almost afraid to go thinking it might be - tho' not probable - Rudolph Davies.

The Turkish Delight is being sgreatly enjoyed by the invalid and myself.

Please give Fritz my love and tell him I'm sorry our letters crossed, but its his turn to write.

Greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Burland.

With love and many thanks

Yours Galdys

PS I think Miss Burt will want me right on until Easter without a break after all, but will write and let you know if there is any alteration.


Gladys Ricketts
Elsie Lilian Burland

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