Letter from Gladys Ricketts to William Henry Ricketts
The Library
S Devon
September 5th, 1914
Dear Father
Please can I come back? Can't you send for me or something? If you don't I shall come back bad. Mrs Day didn't half leave me on a string. Its a strong general servant she wants, not a companion - help. I've to be up at six in the morn, light fire, cook and serve breakfast, take two upstairs, sweep shop, fold all the newspapers, I did this several hundred times this morn., in fact I do it all. Its a big house, and six grown up people. I was on until 10.30 last night. Today I have fainted twice, and cried for the bigger part of the day. I don't get any free time.
Tell Ma I'll get another job as soon as I can and get out of her way, but I honestly can't stay here. Please write soon and tell me I can come.
Much love to both
William Henry Ricketts
Elsie Lilian Burland