Letter from Albert Thomas Burland to Elsie Lilian Ricketts
Richmond Road
Oct 27th /27
My darling Lily
How many years is it since I had to stay up all night because an interesting event was taking place and so the next day (sunday) to Yeovil Marsh to preach
foreign Missionary sermons? I fancy you ought to know. In any case I hope that this coming Saturday will be a very happy one for you and that there are
many, many more happy birthdays in store for you.
I wish I could write letters like you, but as I cannot I must try to put down my thoughts just as they arise within me.
Firstly my dear I believe it to be a fact that you are somewhat interested in gardening – so am I when someone else does the hard work. Gardening consists
mainly in sitting in you easy chair in wet weather planning what you will do when it is dry, and in dry weather trying to remember what you had planned and
then doing something else. I don’t think I can be a good gardener as the slips I brought back are not looking very well and I feel sure I planted them the
right way up – they may decide to improve their appearance later. The pine tree is looking fairly healthy but I think it must have been too early to take the slips.
I think dear you want me to give some little advice on planning, planting, etc.. Bush and standard roses should not be pruned until the end of March or
beginning of April, but you can cut out the old wood from Ramblers as soon as they have finished flowering. Pear, Apple, and other fruit trees should be
pruned in November, Dec. and Jan. If Fritz is thinking of spraying his fruit trees it should be done while the trees are dormant and I should say not later
than the middle of January.
If the honesty seed and the black seed in the match hose were sown now in the greenhouse and planted out in March I think probably they would flower next
year. The black seed is either (### or (###) – I think the latter. Sow thinly and prick out when large enough to handle. Your wall flowers ought to flower
early in spring and (###) nearly all summer.
Lilies of the Valley like rather a moist shady position. What did you think of the violets? If you sow Godatia seed in the box and prick as soon as large
enough and then transplant in March they will flower much earlier than spring sown seed. The same applies to (###) (I hope that is the way to spell it but
I don’t think it is). In the spring sow out of doors for later flowering.
Your hubby could have told you all this and much more. Our Chrysanthemums have been lovely and if you will remind me the end of February I will send you some
more slips, and a few violet slips if we get any luck with them about April.
We are now listening to the concert coming through from Manchester, at any rate I am but Mother has fallen asleep and in repose, as always, she looks sweet. I
mustn’t show her this or she will make me write the letter all over again.
Now my dear I must close with my hearts best love to you and loving wishes for a very happy birthday. Kindest love to Fritz and Donald. Tell Fritz that the
winter will be all the brighter because of the memory of the lovely rides we had and the great pleasure which we otherwise derived during our holiday with you,
Your ever loving and affectionate
Albert Thomas Burland
Elsie Lilian Burland