Letter from Auntie Lil to Fritz Arthur Ricketts and Elsie Lilian Ricketts
‘Sunny Leigh’
6, Park Place
Phone: 640
28th June, 1935
My dear Lili and Fritz
I am ever so sorry not to have written to you before, but some thing always seems to crop up when I want to write. Mother wrote and told us how ill dear little Donald had been, and had to be rushed off to hospital for an operation, but she did not say what the operation was for. Uncle and I are both so sorry and hope he is well on the way to recovery now. Poor little chap seems to have had more than his share of illness. It must have been an awfully anxious time for you both, and I guess the worry of it all nearly knocked you over, but I hope you are keeping pretty well in spite of the worry.
Glad to say we are pretty well. Uncle has had Bronchial Catarrh for some time, then he got a chill, and shingles developed on his chest, but he is much better now. Everything here is very, very quiet, but I think most seaside places are the same, plenty of cars about everyday but not very many staying visitors. We have had three poor seasons but none as bad as this.
Best love to you both, and also Donald from Uncle and myself, and do hope Donald is very much better
Ever your loving Auntie
Fritz Arthur Ricketts
Elsie Lilian Burland