Letter from Albert Thomas Burland to Elsie Lilian Ricketts
Oct, 28th, 1935
My dear Lily
Just a short note to wish you a very happy birthday tomorrow and to express the hope that better health and greater happiness and joy will follow you all down
through the years. We were very sorry to hear that you have been so unwell again but I trust that by this time you are much better and that soon you will be
fully restored to buoyant health and spirits. You are such a ‘dapper’ woman and feel that you must always go at express speed that I am constrained once again
to say ‘ease down a bit’ and take things more quietly.
I hope you have had better weather over the weekend than we have. It has been blowing a gale here since Saturday morning although the wind is not quite so
boisterous now. We were not able to go out yesterday but the family from Lindfield came down for a bit. Joan’s cold seemed better and the others are fairly well.
The president and secretary of the club have been pressing me to become Treasurer again so at last told them if it was the general wish I would carry on until
the Annual General Meeting, when of course all officers are re-elected. They had a Committee Meeting on Friday, from which I purposely absented myself but I
have not heard the result. I told them to give the meeting a free hand to elect someone else if they so decided.
There seems to be no news of importance to pass on to you so my dear I will end as I began by wishing you ‘all the best’ both for tomorrow and also for the years to come.
Best love to Fritz and Donald and fondest for your own dear self from your ever loving and affectionate Dad.
Mr (Rumicles) has just been in to say that I was ‘unanimously and enthusiastically chosen as Treasurer’. So that’s that
Albert Thomas Burland
Elsie Lilian Burland