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Will of John Moseley 1716

Dated 25 August 1718
Summary Will of John Moseley 1716
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god Amen the seaventeenth day of October in the third yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord George by the grace of God of great Britaine France and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c Annoq[u]e D[omi]ni 1716 I John Mosely the elder of Broad Campden in the County of Glouc[este]r Yeom[an] being aged & infirme in body but of sound and disposeing mind & memory Doe make & ordaine this my last Will & Testament revoaking all former Wills by me made And First I Commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God trusting for salvac[i]on through the meritts of his blessed Son and redeemer Jesus Christ the righteous And I committ my body to the Earth to be decently buryed att the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named And as for such worldy Goods & Estate wherewith God hath been pleased to bless me I dispose thereof as followeth Impr[im]is I give & bequeath unto my loveing wife if she survive me All my Lands Tenements hereditaments Goods & Chattells whereof I have any power to dispose for & during the terme of her naturall life chargeable with the payment of my Debts and Funerall Charges And from & after the decease of my said wife I dispose of my said Lands Goods & Chattells in manner Following (that is to say) I give & bequeath unto my son Thomas Mosely the sum[m]e of five pounds and to Joanna Mosely Daughter of my said son Thomas the sum[m]e of five pounds Item I give unto my son William Mosely the sum[m]e of five pounds and to my Grandson William Mosely son of the said William Mosely five pounds provided he live to his age of one & twenty yeares Item I give unto my Daughter Mary the wife of Thomas Atkins the sum[m]e of twenty pounds and I give unto her my best flock bedd & bolster and if my said Daughter Mary shall have any Issue of her body my will is that her first borne Child shall have the sum[m]e of five pounds to bee paid at his or her age of Eighteene yeares Item I give & bequeath unto my son John Mosely All that my Orchard with the appurten[an]ces Lying & being in Broad Campden aforesaid w[hi]ch I lately purchased of Anthony Mosely To hold to him the said John Mosely from & after the decease of my said loving wife for & during the terme of his naturall life subject to the bequeast hereinafter menc[i]oned And from & after his decease I give & bequeath the said Orchard with the appurten[an]ces unto the heires of the said John Mosely lawfully begotten for & during all my terme & Interest therein Allowing my Daughter Anne Hancock two bushells of Apples yearly out of the same during her life And for want of such Issue I give & bequeath the said Orchard with the appurten[an]ces unto my said son Thomas & Daughter Anne theire Exec[utor]s & Adm[inistrator]s for & during all the Estate which shall be therein then to come & unexpired Item I give unto my said Daughter Anne my best feather bedd and to her son John Hancock the sum[m]e of five pounds to be paid him at his age of one & twenty yeares Item I give unto my son James Mosely his Exec[utor]s & Assignes All that my halfe Yardland with the appurten[an]ces lying in Berrington Field in the parish of Chipping Campden To hold to him & them after the decease of my said loving wife for & during all my Interest therein And my will is that all the Legacyes before menc[i]oned shall be paid by my Executors within twelve months after the decease of me the said John Mosely and Anne my now wife & not before Item I give & bequeath all the rest of my Goods & personall Estate whatsoever not hereby before disposed off unto my two sons John Mosely and James Mosely my Debts Legacyes & Funerall Charges being first paid And I doe hereby constitute & appoint my said two sons John Mosely & James Mosely Executors of this my Will In Witness whereof I the said John Mosely the elder have to this my last Will & Testam[en]t sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare first above written
sign[e] Johis [X]?Mosely sen[ior] [seal]
Signed Sealed published & declared by the
said John Mosely the eld[e]r as his last Will
and Testam[en]t In the pr[e]sence of us
Will Alexander
Edm: Pembrage
Eliz sign[e] [X] Curtis

25th Augt 1718
Jurat Jacobus Mosely … &c
Tho: Mansell.
Probatu[m] fuit h[uiusm]o[d]i Test[amentum] vicesimo quinto die mensis
Augusti Anno Dom[in]i 1718:: C[o]ram ven[erabi]li viro
Henrico Penrice …………………………per Jacob[u]m Mosely … fil[ium[ n[atu]ral[em] ………………… etc, etc.