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Will of Richard KEYTE 1560

Dated 08/03/1560
Summary Will of Richard KEYTE 1560
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god amen the viijth daye of marche in the yeare of our lorde god 1560. I Richard kyte of Ebrington in ye countye of Gloucs husbandma[n] beyng of whole mynd & in good & perfect rememberance, prayse be unto almyghtye god I [d]oo make & ordayne this my present testament conteynynge herin my last wyll in maner and forme folowinge That ys to saye fyrst I com[m]end my soule unto almyghtye god my maker and redemer and my bodye too be buryed in the churchyarde by my wyfe in ebringto[n] aforesayed Ite[m] I bequethe toward the reparacyons of Ebringto[n] churche xijd Ite[m] I bequethe to the almes folkes of campden xijd Ite[m] I bequethe to margery Danyell my goddawghter xijd Ite[m] I bequethe to Thomas weoleye & Robert weoleye the sones of Chrystopher weoleye of campden aforesayed gent xs to bye them bookes toward theyr leavnynge ye w[hic]h some of xs the sayed Christopher dyd owe unto me Ite[m] I bequeathe to wyllya[m] wsytfyld[?] of campden toward the buylding of his howse w[hic]h ys burned xs ye w[hic]h some of xs the sayed wyllya[m] dyd owe unto me Ite[m] I bequeathe to my sone Thomas kyte vijli Ite[m] I bequeathe to the poore prysoners of Glouc[este]r geolyle[?]viijd The reast of all my goodes movable and unmovable I geve and bequeathe to John kyte my sone whom I make & ordayne my whole & soole executoure. And I make Chrystopher weoley and Thomas docsen my oversears gevyng them for their paynes xijd In wytnesse wherof I the sayed Rychard kyte have put to my hand and seale w[it]h my owne hand the daye and yeare above sayed thes men bearing wytnesse. Thomas morly boyes schole master of campden. Robart padget baker, lawrence damforde fyshmonger xxx Iuratu[m] in eccl[es]ia de campden coram will[ia]mo banckes decano de campden 14o die apr[i]lis 1564to