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Will of Thomas Grimmett 1619

Dated 1619
Source Unknown
Summary The Will of Thomas Grimmett 1619
Thomas  GRIMMETT - Himself
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
will? of Thomas Grimmet of Bidford
wthin the Diocesse of worcester
this life upon St? Lukes eve
of? Bidford Be… beinge …
his Death why should have
, Answered and sayed
should have it all because
alwayes reddie to helpe him
and that his Brother Richard
p[ar]te? of his goods because he
and he Could not gett it
att his neede.
in the p[re]sence of and hearinge
and his wife; Katherin
of Bidford Be…

Probat[um] apud …
Septimo Die
mensis? Januarij Anno
… executorem?