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Inventory for Alice Moseley, 1691

Dated 2nd April 1691
Summary ...
Alice  MOSELEY nee Russell - Herself
Anthony  SMITH - Inventory
John  SMITH - Inventory
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
A true & p[er]fect Inventory of all & Singular
the Goods & chattells of Alice Mosely al[ia]s
Russell widow late of Chipping Campden
in the Diocese of Glouc[este]r dec[ease]d taken &
apprized on the seaventeenth day of
January 1690 by us whose names are

li – s – d
Impr[im]is A Debt owing to the )
Deceased from one Thomas ) 14 : 00 : 00
Petford upon bond )
Item one flock bed & bolster 00 : 06 : 00
one paire of sheetes & 3 blanketts 00 : 06 : 00
one bedstead & one pillow 00 : 04 : 00
four Kettles 00 : 16 : 00
one pott 00 : 02 : 06
one possett[?] 00 : 00 : 06
one Barell 00 : 01 : 00
two Chaires 00 : 00 : 06
one forme 00 : 00 : 02
two wheeles 00 : 02 : 00
foure pewter platter 00 : 06 : 00
one Spitt 00 : 01 : 00
one Skreene 00 : 01 : 06
Two Cowles 00 : 03 : 00
Lumber 00 : 02 : 00
Sum[ma] total[is]16li : 12s : 02d

Taken & apprized the day & yeare above said by us

Anthony Smith
John ^ Smith his mark

Ex[hibi]tu[m] erat hu[iusm]o[d]i In[vento]rium 2 April[is] 1691 per
Saram Russell vid[uam] intrem[…] n[atu]ralem et …timam
p[…] des[…] et Ad[ministrati]c[i]one[…] &c p[er] vero et plano &c sub
Prestac[i]o[n]e tamen de addend[o] &c q[uo]d si &c