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Will of Edmund Midwinter, 1594

Dated 23rd February 1593
Summary Will of Edmund Midwinter, 1594
Barrbarowe  MIDWINTER - Wife
Fiulke  MIDWINTER - Son
Marye  MIDWINTER - Daughter
Marye  PALMER - Daughter-in-law
Edmonde  PALMER - God-son
Thomas  MIDWINTER - Grandfather
Richard  TOWNSEND - Lessee
Edward  MASCALL - Witness
Henry  WYNCHCOMBE - Witness
Master William  DUTTON - Creditor
Richard  BUSHOPPE - Creditor
Henry  WYNCHCOMBE - Creditor ?
Anne  WODHULL - Creditor
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
In the name of god amen The 23rd day of February 1593 I Edmond Midwinter of the parish of Northleache in the County & Diocese of Gloucester ...
my body to be buried in the parish church of Northleache ...
Item I give & bequeath to my son Foulke Midwinter the Table settle forme & Cubbord in the parlour which were my fathers ...
Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Marye five pounds of good & lawfull money of England to be paid at the day of her mariage or within one month then next after & all so one heiffer coloured redd ...
Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter in law Marye Pallmer one chilling hogge ...
And to Edmonde Pallmer my god son one theave both to be delivered within one month after my decease ...
Item my Will is that my Executrix here after to be named shall have the use & occupation of my two houses in Northleach aforesayd or that house wherein I my self now dwell & the house where in one Richard Townsend now dwelleth ...
And after the deceasse of my Executrix to be named as aforesaid I geve & bequeath the said two houses with all & singuler their appurtenances together with the Indenture of lease concerning the same for all the years then to come & unexpired to my said son Foulke Midwinter & his Assignes ...
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the name of god amen The xiijth daye of Februarye Anno D[o]mini 1593
I Edmond Midwinter of the p[ar]ishe of Northleache in the Countye & Dyocese of Glouc[ester] being sicke in bodye but of good & p[er]fect remembranncce laude & prayse be to Allmightye god make & ordayne this my p[re]sent Testam[en]t contayninge herein my last Wyll in manner & forme followeng viz:
Fyrst & principally I com[m]end my soule to Allmightye god in the merytts of his sonne ye savyo[u]r Christ Jesus And my bodye to be buryed in the p[ar]ishe church of Northleache aforesaid
It[e]m I geve & bequeathe to my sonne Foulke Midwinter the Table settle forme & Cubbord in the p[ar]lour w[hi]ch were my fathers
It[e]m I geve & bequeathe to my Daughter Marye fyve pounds of good & lawfull money of England to be payde at the daye of her mariage or w[i]thin one moneth then next after & allso one heyfor coloured redd
It[e]m I geve & bequeathe to my Daughter in lawe Marye Pallmer one chill[i]n[g] hogge
And to Edmonde Pallmer my godsonne one theave both to be delyv[er]ed w[i]thin one moneth after my decesse
It[e]m my Will is that my Executrix here after to be named shall have the use & occupation of my two houses in Northleache aforesayd or that house wherein I my self now dwell & the house where in one Richard Townsend now dwelleth w[i]th all & singuler their app[ur]tenanc[e]s during the naturall life of my Executrix to be named as afore said ye…inge & payenge therefore yerely unto the Quenes ma[jest]tie that nowe is her heyrs & successors the rente reserved by a certayne Leasse grannted to me & my Assignes by vertue of an extent levyed uppon the sayd two houses notw[i]thstandinge beinge my Inherytance for a certyane forfecture made or com[m]itted by one Thomas Midwinter my grandfather for dyv[er]se yeares yet enduringe And p[er]forminge all other Covenannts in the same leasse conteyned & specyfied
And after the deceasse of my Executrix to be named as aforesaid I geve & bequeath the sayd two houses w[i]th all & singuler theyr app[ur]tenanc[e]s together w[i]th the Indenture of leasse concerninge the same for all the yeares then to come & unexpyred to my sayd sonne Foulke Midwinter & his Assignes And the Fee simple or Inherytance of the same to him the sayd Foulk & his Heyres for ev[er]
All the rest of my goods & Chattles moveable & unmoveable whatsoev[er] unbequeathed my debts payd & my fun[er]all duly executed & p[er]formed I geve & bequeathe to Barrbarowe my wife whom I make & ordayne my sole & onely Executrix of this my last will & testam[en]t
And I constytute & appoynte Edwarde Mascall Pastor of the churche of Northleache aforesaid & Henry Wynchcombe of the same p[ar]ishe my ov[er]seers to see this my last will & testam[en]t well & truly p[er]formed according to my good meaninge

debtes which I
owe vz.
( To M[aste]r William Dutton of Sherborne Esquire iiijli xviijs
( to be payd uppon St Thomas day thapostle next ensueng
( To Henry Winchcomb above said xls or thereabout
( To Rychard Bushoppe vjli: to be paid at Mich[a]ellmas next
( To Anne Wodhull my daughter in lawe xli

In wittnesse whereof to this my p[re]sent last will &
Testam[en]t (in the p[re]sence of Edwarde Mascall &
Henry Winchcombe) I have put my hand