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Will of Edmund Grimmett, 1742

Dated 19th May 1743
Summary Will of Edmund Grimmett, 1742
Edmund  GRIMMETT - Himself
Thomas  BRYAN - Witness
William  DAWSE - Witness
John  BOWL - Executor
Thomas  TIDMARSH - Executor
Richard  SMITH - Brother in law
Widow of Thomas  GRIMMETT - Sister in law
Widow of Richard  GRIMMETT - Sister in law
Widow of Edward  GRIMMETT - Sister in law
Ann  BOWL - Sister
Margaret  TIDMARSH - Sister
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In The Name of God Amen I Edman Grimmet of Lemington in the County of Gloucester yeoman being weak in Bodey but of sound and perfect mind and memory Do make this my Last will and Testement in manner and form following First and principaly I Recommend my Soul unto Allmyty God who gave it in hopes of a Joyfull Resurection through the merits of my savour Jesus Christ and my Bodey to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Excecutors hearinafter named and as to what worldly Goods it hath pleased god to have Endowed me with after my debts and funerall charges are paid and discharged I Give and dispose of them as folloeth It[e]m I give to my Brother in Law Richard Smith of Cleavely in the parrish of Enston weaver the sum of on pound to be paid to him by my Excecutors In six months time next after my descease It[e]m I give to my three Sisters In Law That is to say my Late Brother Thomas Grimmets widdow and my Late Brother Richard Grimmets widdow and my Late Brother Edward Grimmets widdow the sum of on pound of Lawfull money to Each of them to be paid by my Excecutors within six months next after my Decease It[e]m I give to my to sisters An The wife of John Bowl of Dailsford and Margret The wife of Thomas Tidmarsh of addlestrap all the Rest and Residu of my personnall Estate and Efects of what nator or kind soever it be and I do hear by make constitue and appoint my to Brothersi n Law John Bowl and Thomas Tidmarsh Joynt Executors of this my Last will and testament and do hear by Revoke all former wills at any time Heartofore made by me In Witness wheareof I have Heareunto set my Hand and seal this present sixteenth Day of December and in the year of our Lord 1742

Sighned Sealed published and
Declared to be the Last will
of the said Testator Edman Grimmett
Edman Grimmett
His mark [seal]
In the presence of
Thomas Bryan
William Dawse
His mark
19th of May 1743
The above named John Bowl &
Thomas Tidmarsh joint Executors
were duly sworn before me Rd Deston