Dated |
16th December 1639 |
Probate |
April 1640 |
Source |
Oxfordshire Wills Index on line |
Summary |
Will of Margaret Bridge, 1639 Margaret BRIDGE - Herself Katherine BRIDGE - Daughter Margaret BRIDGE - Daughter Giles BRIDGE - Son Mary BRIDGE - Daughter Elisabeth BRIDGE - Daughter William HALLE - Witness Richard ANDREWS - Witness
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes |
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Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
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As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In dei nomine I Die but of perfect memory thankes
Bee to God at this present time And bequire my
Soulle to the Allmiti And my body to the ground
And to lie in the c[h]u[r]ch yard of wike Risinton
ware As I the said margret Brege Am sore
visited At this present time with grevious
Sikenes Doe bequir to my Too Daftars Katarne
Bredge And margret Bredge Alle my Goodes
what so Evar to Devide the same Equaly
Beetwene them twaine But unto my sonne
Gilles Bredge I Give One shillinge And to my
Daftar mary One shillinge and to my
Daftar Elsabeth One shillinge But unto my
Two Daftars Katarne bredge And margret
Bredge I make them holle Exegtors And
Give them twaine all that I the said
margret Bredge have Ani intrest in
painge the forenamed sume of money
In the county Glocester 1639
william halle [seal] his marke
December _____ the 16
Richard Andrewes
margret bredge hir marke
Probat[um] &c apud Chip[ing Nor}ton
9o: Die Aprilis 1640 Cora[m] d[octo]re
Sweit Surr[ogat]o &c D[octo]ris Gouch[?] &c
com[m]issa ad[ministracio]ne &c Jur[a]to Catherine
Bridge filie et ... Ex[ecuto]ricum
&c In forma Iuris iurat[e] salvo &c
In[vento]rium 9li–1s–2d |