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Will of John Grimmett 1698

Dated 22nd July 1698
Probate 3rd October 1699
Source Oxfordshire Wills Index on line
Summary Will of John Grimmett 1698
John  GRIMMETT - Himself
Geo  COOPER - Public Notary
Ann  GRIMMETT - Wife
John  GRIMMETT - Son and Executor
Mary  GRIMMETT - Daughter
Ann  GRIMMETT - Daughter
Thomas  GRIMMETT - Son
Sarah  GRIMMETT - Daughter
Robert  COCKS - Witness
Joseph  DUMBLETON - Witness
Edward  GRIMMETT - Brother and Trustee
Thomas  GRIMMETT - Brother and Trustee
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the Name of God Amen The twenty second day of July 1698 I John Grimett in ye County of Oxon Yeoman and ye Parish of great Rowlrigh being very sick in Body & weak but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God I do make & ordain this my last Will & Testamt in manner & form following that is to say First & chiefly I give my soule into ye hands of Almighty God who gave it me & my body to ye earth to be decently buried in Christian buriall according to ye discrecon of my Executor nothing doubting but at ye generall resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God as touching worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I give devise bequeath & dispose ye same in manner and form following
I give to my beloved wife Ann ye summe of one hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England to be enjoyed by her during her life & then to be equally divided amongst my Kindred that is to say John Mary Ann Thomas and Sarah to every one of them in equall portions or to they then surviving part of them
I also give her all the household goods now imployed in my house for her use during her life & then she shall dispose of them by will or otherwise to any of ye Children above mentioned as she shall think fitt
Item I give to my loveing Children Mary Ann Thomas and Sarah twenty pounds each to be paid by my Executor in ye space of two years after my deceace
And of this my last will & testamt I make my beloved son John my sole & full Executor who shall be oblidged after he has fullfilled my will in all respects that is to say paid my wife & Children their Legacies one hundred pounds to my wife and twenty pounds to every child distinctly then he shall be obliged if there remains above fourty pounds in his hands of ye cropp & cattle and all other worldly goods in my possession at my death then the overplus he shall equally divide be-twixt himself and my son Thomas
ut provided my estate will not raise these Legacies & allso Advance forty pounds for ye use of ye Executor that then my Children shall bate in equall portions to make his summe up the value of fourty pounds of lawfull money of England
In wittness whereof I have put my hand and {seal} ye day & year above written John Grimett his mark Signd & seald in the prsents of
Robert Cocks {John Grimmett}
Joseph Dumbleton {His marke}
Probat[um] &c 3tio Octobris An[n]o D[omi]ni 1699 Coram Ven[erabi]li
Viro Tho: Stafford L… et …ni Archi[…]ni Archinat… Oxon Offic[…]li de
jur[ament]o Joh[ann[is filij et Ex[ecu]toris &c Cui Com[m]issa fuit et est
Admi[…]co … … singulor[um] bonor[um] &c et Ad… … Dei Evangelia
in forma juris jurat[i] &c salvo &c

Geo Cooper No[ta]rius Pub[li]cus