As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
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Edward Cooke Master of Arts Vicar General in Spirituals of the Right Reverend Father in God Richard by divine Permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and of his Episcopal Consistory Official Principal lawfully constituted (to our beloved in Christ the Reverend Joseph Robinson and William Prosser Clerke Greeting) These are to authorize and impower you jointly or severally (in whose Fidelity we confide) to receive the Corporal Oath of Margaret Grimmett the lawful Widow and Relict of William Grimmett late of Treddington in the County and Diocese of Gloucester Labourer deceased Intestate well and faithfully to Administer All and Singular the Goods Chattells Rights and Credits of the said deceased and also to exhibit an Inventory and render an Account according to the tenor of the underwritten Oath You are also to see the Bond hereunto annexed duly executed by the said Margaret Grimmett together also with two good and sufficient Sureties And whatsoever you or either of you shall do or cause to be done in the Premises do ye Certify to Us Our Surrogate or some other competent Judge in this behalf together with these Presents on or before the Twenty first day of September next (Provided that unless this Commission be executed, and the same returned into the Registry of this Court on or before the said twenty first day of September the same shall be void and of none Effect) Given under the Seal of our Office this Twenty first day of August in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven.
Thos Rudge D. Regt.
The Oath
You do Swear that you believe William Grimmett late of Treddington in the County and Diocese of Gloucester Labourer deceased lately died without making any last Will or Testament that you know of That you are his natural and lawful Widow That you will well and faithfully Administer All and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said deceased by first paying his Debts as far as the same will thereto extend and the Law bind you That you will exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said Goods Chattels Rights and Credits into the Registry of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester and render a just and true Account of your Administation thereof when you shall be thereunto lawfully required You do likewise Swear that the whole of the Personal Estate of the said deceased at the time of his Decease did not in Value amount to the Sum of Three hundred Pounds So help You God Kiss the Book
On the Twenty Third day of August 1797. The
above named Margaret Grimmett was duly sworn
according to the tenor of the above written Commission
Before me
[Signature] – Commissioner