As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
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In the name of god Amen the Seconde daye of Ap[ri]ll In ye yere of o[ur] lord god A thousand fyve hundreth Seventye & ij I Ales mosley wydow of Brodcampden in the countye of gloce[ses]t[e]r Syck in bodye p[er]fecte of reme[m]bra[n]ce do make my testame[n]t & las[t] wyll in maner & forme folloyng First I Beqweth my Sowle to almighty god my maker & Jesus C[hri]st his sonne my redemer & my bodye to be buryed in the church yerde of chepyng campden It[em] I Beqweth to the rep[ar]acions of the said church ijs It[em] I geve and Beqweth to the pore pepull of the Almes howse ijs Item I geve and Beqweth unto Richard my sone my teneme[n]t or Dwellyng howse that I now dwell in one yard land & a close w[i]t[h] ye appurtena[n]c[e]s accordyng to a deede theroff made dated ye xxv daye of marche It[e]m I geve and beqweth unto thomas mosley and his son Jhon viij score shepe It[e]m I geve and Beqweth to Jarret mosleys children viij score shepe It[em] I wyll th[a]t John my sone & Ales my doughter shall geve the forsayd Jerrat iijli of lawfull englysh money It[em] I wyll th[a]t Ales my doughter shall have the chamber in my howse bene[a]th the entre to hir owne use so longe as she ke[e]peth hur selffe unmaryd paying yerelye vjd to her brother Ric[hard] It[e]m I geve & Beqweth to ye forsayd Ales ij Black kyne & All the howse holde stuff th[a]t is myne to her owne use It[e]m I wyll th[a]t John my son & Ales his syst[er] shall occupye & Inioy w[i]t[h]out vexac[i]on or trowbull ye halffe of all the grond th[a]t I hold of John Jarrat w[i]t[h] ther brother Ric[hard] so longe as the lease lasteth It[em] I wyll th[a]t ^all other my goods moveabull & unmoveabull remayne to my son John and Ales my doughter who[m] I co[n]stetute & make my true and lawfull executors to se this my last wyll & testame[n]t be p[er]formed & kept and I appoynt & disyre to be overseers of this my last wyll m[aste]r John hooddylestone thomas proctor & John harys who[m] I geve for there payns iiijd a pece to se this my gods to be equally devyded betwix[t] my sonne John & Ales his Sister & all other beqwests & legacyes
Sealed & delyvered in the p[re]sence of John
hooddylstone thomas proctor John harys
Thomas gardner John proctor