As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
Richardus Parsons, Legum Doctor Com[m]issarius dioc[es…] Gloucestren[sis] et Con[si]storij Ep[isco]palis off[icia]lis prin[cipa]lis per decann[um] et Cap[…]lum Cant[uariensem] duran[te] vacac[i]o[n]e Archiep[isco]pat[us] Cantuarien[sis] et Episcopatus Gloucestrense legitime authorizatus
Dilectis nobis in Christo Henrico Bicke et Roberto morse
Clericis conjunctim & divisim salutem in Domino: Ad recipiend. juramentum corporale
Saraæ Russell vid[uæ] inter[…]s [natu]ralis et eta[…] Aliciæ mosely al[ia]s Russell vid[uæ] nup[er] … de Chipping Campden in Com[itatu] et dioc[es…] Gloucest[rens…] vid[uæ] de[ce]ss[æ] de fidel[ite]r ad[mini]strand[o] bona Jur[ia] et cred[ita] … [dictæ] d[e]f[unct]æ et de Ex[hibit]end[o] veru[m] plenu[m] et …m Invent[oriu]m om[nium] et singulor[um] bonor[um] Juriu[m] et creditor[um] [dictæ] def[unct]æ ac de reddend[o] plenu[m] p[…]…anu[m] et fidele …um et susp[…] Ad[ministra]c[i]o[n]e[m] sua nec… ad vidend[um] obligac[i]o[n]em p[ræse]ntibus … p[er] … Sara[m] Russell Juratam duobus …ejussaribus fide dignis sigillat[…] et deliberatum
Vobis de quorum fidelitate in hac parte plurimum confidimus de bene & fideliter exequend. & perimplend. præmissa, vices & authoritatem nostram conjunctim & divisim committimus & concedimus per præsentes. Et quid in præmissis feceritis, nos nostrumve Surrogatum aut alium Judicem in hac parte competentem quemcunque debite certificetis infra mensis spatium una cum præsentibus. Datis sub Sigillo Officii nostri 14 Januarij Anno Dom. 1690
You shall swear, That you beleive Alice Mosely al[ia]s Russell vid[ow] died w[i]thout makeing any lawfull last will & testament soe farr as you knowe or believe
And that you will well and truly Administer and dispose of all and singular the Goods, Cattel and Chattels of the said Deceased, and pay, or cause to be paid, all such Debts and other Duties as the said Deceased did owe at the time of Her decease, so far forth as the Goods, Cattel, and Chattels of the said Deceased shall thereunto extend, and the Laws bind and require. And also make and exhibite, or cause to be made and exhibited into the Registry of Gloucester, a true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods, Cattel, and Chattels of the said Deceased; and render and yield a true and just Account thereupon when you shall be thereunto lawfully required. So help you God. Kiss the Book.
This Commission will be void, if not returned within a Month after the Date hereof.
Execut[a] fuit hæc Com[missi]o secundu[m] … nos[…] ejusd[e]m xxo die mensis Januarij A[nn]o D[omi]ni 1690 … Per me Rob[er]tum Morse.