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Will of William Kyte 1608

Dated October 8th 1608
Summary Will of William Kyte 1608
John  VADE - Witness
John  COLLET - Witness
Thomas  CALLABER - Witness
Elizabeth  LOGGAN - Executor and Daughter
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
[to be updated]
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
[Source 1] In the name of God Amen the eighth day of October Anno Domini 1608 I William Kyte of Broadwell in the County of Glos. sick in body but of expert memory thanks be to God. I do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God redeemer to be saved by the death and passion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer And my body I bequeath unto the earth to be buried in Christian burial by my father. Then I give to the Church of Broadwell 10s. Then I give to the poor people of Broadwell 30s. Then I give to Elinor Frost my servant maid fifty shillings Then I give to the Almshouses in Stow 12d. a piece Then I give unto the rest of the poor people of Stow the Almsfolks excepted forty shillings. Then I give and bequeath to Ann Kyte my mother one annuity or yearly rent of £4 by the year of good and lawful monies of England to issue a fourth of all my lands and house in Broadwell aforesaid and to be paid to her grandaughter during her natural life and for non payment thereof it shall lawful for my said mother to enter into all or any my said lands and house and esteem and the estate or estate there found to lead take and enter away until she of the said rent with tharrerages thereof if any so be, be fully satisfied and paid provided always that my said mother shall not or do not content herself with the sum of forty pounds witch I do owe unto her shall if for my said mother do not upon request in that befalls to be made and upon payment of the said sum of forty promised seal and deliver unto my executor hereafter named a general release of all accrued debts duties and demands. What better that then and from thenseforth the said assignee or yearly rent to cease and be utterly deformed Then my will is that my said mother shall give her chamber within the one lyeth during her natural life and also that my executors shall allow unto her sufficient meat and drink during her natural life Then I give unto Thomas Smith my servant £4 and my best jerkin my best doublet a pair of hosecloth and a pair of stockings and a pair of new shoes. Then I give unto my brother Thomas Kyte £10 Then I give unto my brother John Kyte 4 kyne and to his children £10 to be equally divided amongst them. Then I give and bequeath unto Richard Kyte my brother 4 kyne and to his children £10 to be equally divided. [Source 2] Then I give and bequeath unto Humfrey Kyte my brother [blank] & all the residue of my Apparell It[em] I geve to the children of the said humfrye kyte xli to be equallye devided amongst them It[em] I geve unto John kyte my brother the cowe w[hi]ch he oweth me It[em] I geve & bequeath unto the children of Robert kyte my brother twoe kyne & xxs a pece It[e]m I geve & bequeath unto william dyntye & Margarett Dyntye my sisters children vli a pece It[e]m I geve & bequeath unto william haddon sonne of Thomas haddon of Malgersburye xls I geve unto Joane Paddleford my goddaughter xxs It[em] I geve & bequeath unto everye one of my other god children ijs a pece It[em to] william Nason excepted ijs a pece I geve to the said william Nason xs It[em] to Richard Nason his brother iiij sheepe to be deliv[er]ed by my Overseers. I geve & bequeath to the Church of Stowe xxs. It[e]m I geve unto the Ringers there xs. It[em] I geve unto the Ringers at Bradwell vjs iiijd. It[em] I geve & bequeath unto Christian Marshall xxli It[e]m I geve unto Elizabeth Grannger my servannt xxs. It[em] to John Batchelor my servannt xs. It[em] I geve unto the rest of my servannts xijd a pece. It[em] I geve & bequeath unto Richard Gardner of Adlestrop xs. It[e]m I make nominate & appoint John Collett ^of Stowe Thomas haddon of Malgersburye John vade of Odington & Thomas Collabere of Adlestroppe Overseers of this my last will & testament. It[em] my will is & I doe geve & bequeath unto the said John Collett Thomas haddon John vade & Thomas Collabere & their assignes one obligac[i]on bearing date In or about the xxvth daye of October last past wherein John Loggin Thomas Cornisse & henrye Cornisse doe stand bound unto me the said william Kight in the som[m]e of one thowsand pounds for p[er]formannce of certeine Articles of Agreem[en]t bearing date w[i]th the said obligac[i]on And allsoe I doe geve & bequeth unto them my said Overseers the said Articles of Agreement & all the coven[a]nnts therein Conteyned & all the benefitt & advantage thereof upon trust & confidence that they shall cause the said Articles to be fullye p[er]formed for the good & benefitt of Elizabeth my daughter & her children w[hi]ch she shall fortune to have by will[ia]m Loggon her husband. It[e]m [I] geve & bequeath unto my said Overseers for their paines to be taken herein vs a pece It[e]m I geve & bequeath unto Elizabeth Loggin the wyf of william Loggin my daughter & to the heires of her bodye lawfullye begotten my capitall messuage or ten[emen]te & seaven yeard lands to the same belonginge & all landes & ten[ement]s whatsoever whereof I have anye estate of Inheritannce. And for want of such yssue Then I geve will devise & bequeathe all my said messuage seaven yeard lands & all other mye said lands unto william kyte sonne of humfrye kyte my brother & to the heires males of his bodye lawfully bego[tten And] for default of such yssue the remainder thereof unto John ky[te th]e other sonne of the said humfrye kyte & the heires males of his bodye lawfullye begotten And for want of such yssue ^and for want of such yss[ue t]he remainder thereof unto John Kyte my brother & the heires males of his bodye lawfullye begotten the remainder thereof unto Richard Kyte my brother & the heires males of his bodye lawfullye begotten & for want of such yssue to the right heires of me the said william kyte for ever All the rest of my goods chattles leases & debtes whatsoever I give unto the said Elizabeth Loggan my daughter whom I make my sole executrix of this my last will & testament And I desire & charge her to p[er]forme the same according to mye true meaninge In wittnes whereof I have hereunto subscribed mye name. Witnesses hereof John Vade John Collet Thomas Callaber William Kyte his marke