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Will of Robert Kyte 1580

Dated 10th April 1580
Summary Will of Robert Kyte 1580
Anthony  KYTE - Son
William  KYTE - Son
Agnes  KYTE - Wife
Henry  CLAYTON - Witness
William  FREEMAN - Witness and Executor
Richard  MATHEWE - Executor and Creditor
Christopher  PEARTT - Executor
Robert  HATHAWAY - Creditor
William  OLYN - Creditor
John  SHELARD - Creditor
Francis  WHELAR - Creditor
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In dei no[mi]ne Amen the tenthe day of Aprill in the yere of o[u]r lord god 1580 I Rob[er]t Kyte of oddington in the Countie of glouc[ester] being visyted w[ith] sycknes but yet in mynd of good and p[er]fe[c]t memorye thankes be to god therefore do make and declare my will and last testament in man[ner] and Forme folowinge wherin fyrst I geve and beqweath my soule to almyghtie god whyche he of his Fatherly goodnes gave unto me when he Fassioned this my body in my mothers wombe by this means makinge me A lyvinge Creature nothing doutinge but that this my lord god for his mercies sake sett forthe in the p[re]cious bloud of his dearlye beloved son[n]e] christ Jesu o[u]r alone saviour & Redem[er] will Receve my soule into his glory and place it in the companye of hevenly angelles and blessed sainets and as concerninge by ^my bodye eve[r] w[ith] A good will and Free hartt I geve it over com[m]endinge it to the earthe wherof it came in hope of Resur[r]ection bothe of body and soule It[em] I geve to the pore people in oddingto[n] iijs iiijd It[em] to the reparinge of the churche of oddingto[n] ijs It[e]m I geve to Anthony kyte my sone one malte whetche one chest A bedstede one cupbord in my chamb[e]r one load a malte mylne one wetinge stone a cesterne A lytle troughe of stone one barr of Iron five yrone wedges w[ith] all Rackes talletts and beasts standing about my howse all whyche legac[ie]s so beqwethed unto my said sone anthonye I will that my wiffe shall have the usynge and occupyinge of them until he come to the age of xxj yeres leaving them in as good state as she dothe now ent[er] upo[n] them It[e]m I geve to will[ia]m kyte my sone syxe poundes xiijs iiijd in monye to be payed hym at the age of xviij yeres and if ether the said will[ia]m or anthonye dep[ar]te this liffe afore the[y] come unto those yeres afore mencioned then my will is that his porcion so dep[ar]ted shall Remayene and come unto his sayd brother then lyvinge It[em} I geve and Beqwethe to Agnes kyte my wiffe my best Feth[e]rbed my best coveringe A payre of my best blanketts my best payre of shets w[ith] one bolst[e]r and a pyllow It[em] the one halfe of all my gooddes not afore beqwethed I geve to Anthonye kyte my sone and thoth[e]r halfe of all my gooddes to Agnes kyte my wiffe to be equallye devyded betwene them bothe my detts and Fun[er]all exepenc[e]s to be deducted out of their sayd porcions Equallye and if the said Anthonye dep[ar]te this lyffe afore he come to the sayd age of xxj yeres then I will that all his said porcions of legac[ie]s shall come and Remayne to will[ia]m kyte my yonger sone whyche sayd Agnes and AnthonyeI make my trew and lawfull executors of this my last will and testament to see it fullfylled as my speciall trust is in them It[em] I desyre my trustye and most lovinge Frendes will[ia]m Freeman Ric[hard] mathewe And Christopher peartt to be sup[er]visours of this my testament Frendly exortinge my sayd executors to see the same accomplysshed and p[er]formed These being wyttnesses henry Clayton Detts that I owe will[ia]m Freeman Imp[ri]mis to Rob[er]t hatheway xlvjs viijd to Ric[hard] mathew xxxs will[ia]m olyn xiiijs John shelard xvs Francis whelar xiijs iiijd probat[um] cora[m] … perry surr[ogato] … herberte Di[e] xijo Julij A[nn]o 1580 exec[uto]re iurat[o] salvo p[…]t… … alter[…] … … etate[…] p[…]ve… …