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Admon for William Keyte of Hidcott, 1710

Dated Commission date c1724
Summary William Keyte of Hidcott ...
Mary  KEYTE - Wife
John  KEYTE - Son
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes ....
Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
Noverint universi per p[ræ]sentes nos Maria Keyte de Ebrington in
Com[itatatu] Glouc[estrense] vid[ua] Joh[ann]em[!] Keyte de ead[e]m yeoman
et Joh[ann]em[!] Keyte de Campden in Com[itatatu] p[æ]d[icto] yeoman
et firmiter obligari rev[eren]do vir[o] p[…]o patri[…] ac D[omin]o …
Eduardo g[…] dia[con]o Glouc[estrense] … in Ducent[…]
libris bonæ et
legalis monetæ Mag[næ] Brit[anniæ] solvend[is] eid[em] rev[eren]do
aut suo certo Attornat[o] Executor[i] vel Admin¬istrator[i] suis Ad
quamquidem soluc[i]o[n]em bene et fidelit¬er fac¬iend[am] Obligamus
nos et quem¬libet n[ost]rum per se pro toto et in solid[o] Hered[es]
Executor[es] et Ad¬min¬is¬trator[es] n[ost]ros et cuius¬libet n[ost]rum
firmiter per p[ræ]sentes. Sigillis n[ost]ris Sigillat[as] Dat[um] Vicesimo
die mensis Maij Annoq[ue] Regni D[omi]næ n[ost]ræ Annæ Dei
gr[ati]a Magnæ Britan[n]iæ Franciæ et Hiberniæ Reginæ fidei
Defensor[is] &c Nono Annoq[ue] D[omi]ni 1710.

The Condic[i]on of this Obligac[i]on is such that if the above bounden Mary
Keyte Widdow relict and
Administrator of all and singuler the goods ch[att]ells
and credits of William Keyte late of Hidcott Intestate deceased doe make or
cause to be made a true and perfect Invent¬ory of all and singuler the goods
chattells and credits of the said de¬ceased which have or shall come to the
hands poss[ess]ion or know¬ledge of her the said Mary Keyte or into the hands
and poss[ess]ion of any person or persons for her and the same soe made doe
exhibit or cause to be ex¬hibited into the Registry of Glouc[ester] at or before
the Last day of June next ensuing And the same goods chattells and credits
and all other the goods chattells and cred¬its of the said deceased at the time of
his death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the
said Mary Keyte or into the hands and posses¬sion of any other person or per-
sons for her doe well and truly ad¬min¬ister according to law And further doe
make or cause to be made a true and just accompt of her s[ai]d
Ad[ministrat]ion at or be¬fore the Last day of April 1710 and all the rest and
residue of the said goods chattells and credits which shall be found remaining
upon the said Administrators ac¬compt the same being first examined and
allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall
deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or
Judges, by his or their decree or sentence p[ur]suant to the true intent and
mean¬ing of a late Act of Parlia¬ment made in the two and twentieth and three
and twentieth yeares of the raigne of o[u]r Late Soveraigne L[or]d King
Charles the second (Intituled An Act for the better settling of Intestates
Estates) shall limitt and appoint And if it shall here¬after appeare that any last
will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the Executor or
Executors therein named doe exhibit the same into the said Court make¬ing
request to have it al¬lowed and approved accord¬ingly if the said Aministratrix
above bounden being thereunto required doe render and deliver the said
L[ette]res of Ad[minstra]c[i]on (approbac[i]on of such Testament being first
had and made) in the said Court Then this Obligac[i]on to be void and of
none effect or else to remaine in full force and vertue.

Sealed and delivered
in the presenece of

Mariæ Keyte
Jho Burgis Jun
N[otarius] P[ublicus]
John Keyt
John Keyt