Dated |
22nd July 1722 |
Source | |
Summary |
Will of Edward Grimmett, 1722 Edward GRIMMETT - Himself Richard GRIMMETT - Son Thomas GRIMMETT - Son and Trustee Ann BOWL - Daughter Edward BOWL - Grandson Margaret TIDMARSH - Daughter Ann GRIMMETT - Wife Edmund GRIMMETT - Son and Executor Ann POOLE - Witness John SMITH - Witness John BOWL - Trustee
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes |
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Translated and paragraphed.
With some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
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As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible
In the Name of God Amen This twenty second Day of July In the yeare of our
Lord god on thousand seven hund[red] And twento I Eadward grimit of Lemington
In the County of Gloster Husbandman being In Parfect Memory blesed be god for it
Do heareby make my Last Will and testament In maner And form following first I
Bequeath my soule Into the hands of my Maker and Redeemer and My Body to be
Buried at the Discreson of My Executor as shall be heareafter named and As Tuching
thoas Worlly goods Which it hath Pleased allmight[y] God to bestow upon Me I
Bequeath them as In Maner Following
It[e]m First I give to My son Richard grimit on shiln
It[e]m to My son thomas grimit Latly Deceased I give to his three Children Three Pound to be Eaqually Devided Amongst them
It[e]m To My Daughter Ann Boule I give on shiln
It[e]m I give to My Grandson Eadward Boule twenty shilns
It[e]m I give to My Daughter Margitt Tidmarsh on shiln
It[e]m I give to My son Eadward grimit on shiln Which Mony I give to be Paid by my Executor with In ye Limited time of on yeare and A day after my Deceas
It[e]m and all the Rest of My Lands goods And Chattels and all things Whatsoever Els I give to be Equelly Devided In to to Parts the on half I give to Ann My Wife and the other Half to My son Eadman grimit Whome I APpoynt Whole and sole Executor over This My Last Will and Testament
seld singed and Delivered In the
Preasanc of them home I appoynt ....... Eadward grimit his Mark
My Trustees
John Boule and Thos grimit
| Ann Poole her Mark
John Smith his Mark | 23o
Jurat Edmundus Grimett
Execr coram nobis
H Penrice |
| Probatum fuit hui[s]mo[d]i Testam:tm vicesimo tertio die mensis July
Anno Dm 1723 coram Venli Viro Dno Henrico Penrice Milite Legum
Dtore Rev[ere]ndi in Sepo prcs et D[omi]ni D[eca]ni Josephi permissione
dio[cesis] Glouc[estrensis] Epi[scopi] Vicario in Sp[i]r[it]ualibus ?
gen[era]li &c per Edmundum Grimett Exec[uto]rem &c eius &c primitus
de bene &c ac de pleno &c necnon de ... &c rite Jurat[um] Salvo Jure